Data Collection: The information gathered will be used to create a public-facing record that highlights the issues related to HHB in Vermont schools. Additionally, the data collected will be used for communication purposes in an ongoing campaign to advocate for changes in HHB policies and procedures in Vermont schools. This may include using anonymous quotes or stories as part of our communication efforts.

Anonymity: The majority of the data collected will be shared anonymously, with identifying factors such as school locations removed. However, participants have the option to share their names publicly with their stories if they wish.

Contact Permission: By participating in this project, you grant permission to our team to contact you at a later date for any follow-up related to the HHB project. However, participants have the option to opt out of this follow-up communication if they so choose. To exercise this option, please fill out this quick form to let us know you do not wish to be contacted for any follow-up related to the HHB project.

Privacy and Security Information

Vermont Narratives for Change

Drafted Report Approval: Your approval will be sought before any information is shared publicly. All materials collected during the data collection process (that have the potential to be published) will be shared with participants through shared documents. Participants will then be given 15 days to provide comments or suggestions. If no comments or suggestions are submitted, it is assumed that you accept the contents to be published.

Data Sharing: Our team may share the collected anonymous data with other partner organizations involved in advocacy work to improve school safety in Vermont. These organizations include the Vermont Human Rights Commission, Education Justice Coalition of Vermont, Outright Vermont, Neighbors for a Safer St. Albans, The Root Social Justice Center, ACLU of Vermont, Rutland County NAACP, Vermont Center for Independent Living, All Brains Belong, Youth 4 Change, and the Vermont Student Anti-Racism Network.

Participation is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time during the project without any negative consequences. Your decision to participate or not will not affect your current or future relationship with any of our organizations.

Email us with questions at: